Zorin OS 16 Core Installation Problem

I've never tried to install linux from a dvd. I want to be curious about that.

There is no difference in instalaltion, but there is a difference in how the computer performs in Reading the Data. IF there is an issue with the DVD drive... then USB may work where DVD drive does not.


Okay I will give it a try after these questions:
Can I run Photoshop and the big other programs on zorin 16 core?

Adobe Photoshop is for Windows only. They do not make a Windows Linux Version.
Some users run Windows on a Virtual Environment on Zorin OS in order to use it.

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Changed the title of the thread for clarification.

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GIMP is good for photoshop users but it would take some time to getting used to....

you should be able to dual boot better than me. because your specs are better than mine. I'm using a core i3 gen 2th, 6GB RAM and an Intel HD 3000.

Wndows -> Linux

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What about wine i can install windows programs in Linux

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Is wine secure to use What is your opinion explain

I have seen people successfully installing Photoshop using Wine but I don't think it would be easy....You can try though.

It is secure and managed by a huge community...
There is also PlayOnLinux which works better sometimes..and if you are willing to pay then there is CrossOver for linux as well. None of them is perfect but they are very good.


you can install the intel hd 3000 and amd radeon 6700drive in windows 10 using

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But these are windows only..

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Aha what about linux??

thank you

I don't think they are required because the OP isn't having any issues in Windows..

Intel doesn't provide drivers for linux...Most of them work out of the box and if they exist, they can probably be installed with "Additional proprietary drivers" during or after the distro install.

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Linux comes with AMD Drivers already included in the kernel.
For some users, they can use the Oibaf repository for additional drivers:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


I do not know about that.

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what is the exact difference between zorin core and pro