Zorin Os 17 release

I guess the key take away is not to worry about rushing into Zorin 17. The current releases are fine and stable and you always have the option to try about rolling release distros.

If this results in further delays of Zorin 17 - good. It shows there is care to ensure the OS is as smooth and stable as possible.


I saw Zorin new release 16.3 that means version before new edition windows 12 will be Zorin 20 century?
What new is in this Zorin 16.3 this new update and more new things?
Android Zorin version on mobiles?
Zorin OS 16.3 is powered by the same version of the Linux kernel as in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GA). It comes with updated drivers, bringing even better compatibility with more hardware. That includes support for newer components like NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 4070, 4060 Ti, and 4060 graphics cards out of the box.

The latest security patches are also pre-installed throughout the system. That means you can have peace of mind knowing you’re using the most secure version of Zorin OS ever.

The Zorin OS 16 version series will continue to get support with software updates and security patches until April 2025.


Small updates example mint this year have support to 2027

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Correct and yes.


I’m unsure if this has been mentioned or said but when the release finally comes around for us Pro users with the upgrade tool will be be able to upgrade by putting in a unique identifier or serial key or something or do a fresh install of the OS as I know I have to repurchase Pro which is fine as I want to still help support development.

Yes, the Upgrader includes an entry field to validate your copy of Zorin OS Pro.


Awesome I keep my /home on a seperate partition but I’d rather just upgrade than do a fresh install if it’s possible.

Look forward to the next release.


That's old-school, man - love it! I absolutely miss the Ubuntu mail-out program twenty-some odd years ago. An actual hard copy of Ubuntu was just.. awesome haha I got like, 15 copies for my Vo-Tech classes in high school. My very very first dabbling with Linux was Suse 6 (I think..). Was a complete 1:1 to XP for me so, wiped a spare HDD I had and used it until I got comfortable with Ubuntu. Now I just stick with Ubuntu - haven't tried Suse in so long, feels weird trying to use it now :joy: I stopped trying it after version 11 - just didn't appeal to me anymore. Ubuntu was more prevalent in just about all aspects. Never regret it though! Dumb ramblings - just happy to see someone still using some old-school style concepts :wink:

Yup! Just don't see that configuration in most OOB installs these days. Used to be a norm but, I guess like everything - that changes too!

Funny, since Cell Phones often do not work anyway like how I want. And configuring or changing settings is like pulling teeth.


I blame these new folding things called phones. Nothing will compare to my old Razr! Know the entitled thing - was once support in Vegas for a resort. Upper mgmt was, fun to deal with.. The expectation was unreal on stuff just working. Lots of hand holding with.. those. And the higher the title, the worse it got :person_facepalming:

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I don't understand why so many developers try to bring the smartphone UI to the PC, although I can see why Apple would do it.

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Yeah, I think this is the reason why Win8 failed.


We can easily examine Mobile Gaming and PC Gaming.

Mobile Gaming is much more limited. In every way.
From user controls to hardware and resources.

Blizzard Entertainment did not really look at reality. They just looked at "trending".
There is a very large problem with "trending." It does not mean what you think it means. Things that are trending are simply things that got attention. It does not mean that they are liked or wanted. Or in use. Mobile games are fine when you are marking time at a bus stop.
Blizzard introduced Diablo: Immortal as the next big thing in the Diablo franchise and they were shocked that the gamers were shocked. These folks dropped thousands of dollars on gaming rigs only to have Blizzard throw them under the bus.
But the big question is: Why? Why would Blizzard take such a direction so eagerly.
Comes back to Mobile gaming being much more limited. In the long run,

It is so much cheaper.

Limited aspects mean limited costs, too - But you can keep charging that same price. You can cut out a lot of things and a lot of teams.

So, many companies would love to eliminate the notebook computer and desktop PC market and have only Portable mobile tablets. It seems easy for them to market this as a benefit since people already have useful, portable phones and tablets.
And... there's the disconnect.
People already have phones so they know how very limited and restrictive that they are. They are useful when in a hurry. Useful when you need to make a quick net search. A complete nightmare to use for much else. And marketing at people to convince them that tapping different points of a screen is productive simply is not fooling anyone.


I like to think it's just to keep up with the times; the new age is all apps and glassy themes lol I get it.. it's 'the future' .. which gets kinda annoying after a while. iRemember when everything had an 'i' in front of it, just for appeal; had absolutely nothing to do with iAnything :joy:


I wish that I could agree with you.
Sadly, there is another factor to this that is harder to see on the surface looking from the outside in.

I will give a rather weak, but easily accessible example here. This user pointed out an issue:

A Brief Background: In Web Dev; a coder will set a class in html, then assign properties for that class in the stylesheet.css.
With GTK, the class is set independently of the person creating the stylesheet. It is set in the gtk widget. Once set, the theme styler must work with what the app developer set as the class.

Many App Developers are taking a Very Easy Route of setting classes based on the current themes that trending which are generally flat and monochromatic.
That is a fine thing; as long as theme trends remain static.
But they don't remain static. Styles change.
And the problem is that these many app devs set classes that depend on the theme being flat and monochromatic in order to appear normal.

Instead of correcting these classes, the app devs would much prefer to Lock In Theming to prevent stylers from making new themes, prevent user control and prevent having to go back in and correct what they did.

Which, all of the above means that a change in trends won't eliminate the problem.
In fact, the app devs will probably double-down and rely on more force.
(Which, we already see them beginning to do...)

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HTML eh, angelfire? :smile: I'm a Python user. Played very little with the HTML and web stuff.

Yeah, not bashing any of it - and that's fine not to. Did read that post when it was new; just pointing out: since Vista, we've had, and will continue to have, glassy, pretty themes. Take that how you like, no offense - but, I'm also using the said glassy, pretty themes myself! I can already tell you, I wouldn't be able to create any themes, from scratch .. but I don't need to - I think it looks just fine with what I have. Did give it a shot with my old iPod and Rockbox - meh. But I don't think there would be any new devices sold at large numbers without that 'new' and 'updated' look .. I would buy it, because I'm me lol the same me that sees old iPods on eBay and starts looking at bigger batteries, SSD swap, maybe a clear faceplate and such - fun! But, what I call fun.

Just pointing out the progression we've had with the how the modern computer looks through the years. Heck, just look at the amount of change that took place with the Twitter logo, or Facebook - not necessarily speaking ill of the dev behind the look; or theme. And this is coming from someone that still wouldn't mind using XP - but, that's just me.


No, it isn't. XP was Rock Solid.


Had a really old MicroQ PC with Win95 on it - tiny little thing, for the time. Later with XP though, that's when I got into gaming and cared a little more about performance. With fears of Vista being the next run - that's when I heavily got more into Linux than Windows :grin: Even had an old desktop with OSx86 - was trying everything I could to ditch Windows completely lol ended up using both, still more Linux vs Windows though!