Zorin Os 17 release

@Bourne , I really think something went wrong with your installation.

Another possibility is that the Generic Drivers (Fallback on LiveUSB) work - but the upgraded Later Release drivers have regressions and do not work.

I can certainly understand your frustration - I have seen you go through this cycle several times, now.

@Aravisian I am very respectfull this forum and people.
Let's thinking on a while if I am noob in linux and start journey on beginnig to tried linux and cut windows because he is wonderfull.
They gived chance with another linux distribution or back to windows.
I don't judgement anything and don't blame anyone.
This is just world linux sometimes something working perfectly or better and sometimes this is not working.

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Thank you for advice.

In regard to cell phones, my gripe with the modified Chromium Browser does not allow you to delete search engines, only add them, and e.spot no longer works, so glad I now use Mojeek as default search engine, as I can use Brave search engine from within mojeek if mojeek doesn't provide results expected. My only other gripe is that the phone's email client does not show spam that isn't spam, only find out by using Evolution on Antix!

@catlikehana send video on linux news about kernels now will be support shortly. That means the Zorin release will be more often?

No. The LTS change is for the Linux Kernel. It is not related to Ubuntu or Distro LTS release cycles or support.
The Linux Kernel had 2 year support until 2017 (I think it was 2017...) when the 6 year support cycle was adopted. Six years proved too much work and they reverted back to the two year support cycle.

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Still no beta... :frowning:

Well done 337harvey.
We can now simply link to your post above when people ask again when Z17 will be released.


I like Zorin and I suggest it to new Linux users but When Zorin 17 will come out the next Ubuntu is right around the corner and Z17 will be based on a two year old Release. In the future LTS Kernels will only have support for 2 years.

I think the Team needs to step up their Game or at least communicate why it takes so long.

This only relates to the kernel team, not to the LTS versions of the base which still remain a Five Year Support time.

The Linux Kernel switch from a two year support time in 2017 to a six year support time. It ended up being too much work for the team and a while back they announced that they were going back to the two year support time.

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It is a catch-22, isn't it?

Better and more frequent communication from the ZorinGroup would help alleviate this. It would minimize assumptions about how they spend their time and help users feel more at ease.
If they spend more time communicating with the community, they spend less time focused on development. And anyone knows that doing coding can often mean one 5 second distraction can set you back ten minutes of trying to regroup your thoughts and get back on track.

It has been a frustration, for me personally. So, I try to focus on the results (Which @337harvey has also outlined multiple times). The results of the ZorinGroups work and listening to feedback speak much louder than any post or comment.
Why I use Zorin OS is due to its long term stability. And a new release of Zorin OS averages about 1.7 years. For me, trying to be a helpful contributor here, this means I must also upgrade my entire edition every 1.5 years due to testing... Which increases my own workload. I would love to stably stay on one edition for years at a time. Many members do.

The only reason to worry about the latest kernel is if you have the newest and latest hardware. The difference between one kernel and the next is often only that they added drivers for some latest Wifi Device or some such... which the majority of users do not have - so why clamor for that later kernel?

I do agree that there has been more recent consternation as Package Development has set Higher dependencies. This is an issue; one that I worry is inflated artificially.


I hate when that happens, for any task that involves sustained focus or those (increasingly rare) moments of inspiration. It reminded me of this:

I'm perfectly happy with how things are at the moment, nobody is coming after me to fix their ZorinOS installations and that tells me that things run smoothly which is exactly the reason to pick ZorinOS in the first place. I realize everyone has different needs but for me stability comes first.


This is 100% Me. Every Bit. I just saved a copy of this cartoon and sent it to everyone that Talks at me.


I did NOT disregard anything in my post. And I heard many times that there are only two devs (I guess main devs and some contributers). Elementary has only one developer and many other Distros are in the same realm.

It is all just my opinion and my thoughts. One Idea would be to focus on less variety (flavours, core, lite) or like I said just sometimes put up a post on progress or why not ask the community for help. An update on progress should take no more than a few minutes. It just gives a little more trust and Zorin has a Pro version that needs some trust.

And telling me to "research" more with no evidence if I did or if I did not.
Zorin is still using Gnome 3 and some might call that dated. Or being based on a 2 to 4 year old Distro. It is not a fact! It is an opinion and maybe a Feedback from a community Member. Take it or leave it but don't attack me as I did not attack anyone.
I can move on, others can stay and the Devs can do whatever they want. Everyone is happy. It is their project.

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You just need to order one of these Do Not Disturb Hat
I sometimes would wear Ear Defenders in the office, as an subtle indication to colleagues "do not disturb" right now :hear_no_evil:


Hello all.
I would saying maybe two cent from my observation about project Zorin and 2 people who working on this.
Why it takes to long and another devs 1 or 2 maybe 3 release faster they linux distribution?
The never not always is better. This is business to people it is something new people liked buying new things thinking it is better. Bought faster SSD well I don't seeing diffrents from my older ssd. Nvidia selling good product gpu every 4 years.
The answear is simple. Every edition Zorin was very good wrote every release and on webside distrowatch always top 10 from thousand distributions.
I tested plenty newer distributions with newer kernel. It is better and good for hardware? No! Why? Because fabric productions processors intel,nvidia also graphic cards nvidia and amd. This years selling a garbage. Check some websides and how many bugs it have. They release some new drivers and support but people sending many information about burn socket NVIDIA RTX 4090 my list could be huge.
Mostly the linux distributions are garbage, Manjaro, MX Linux, Fedora.
Manjaro have always problems with keys.
Mx Linux is for programmers not for simple user.
Fedora was ok but later with updates have problems issue. Fedora have very good support forum channel.
Do you know also people using old operating systems for surfing internet?
So the conclusion is better release a good product to staying with clients what will be happy or better out some garbage distribution and name "Zorin" - will be forget forever?
Check example a Apple or Microsoft are they released every two years something new fresh operating system? No.


I am aware of the amount of work it takes. That is why one suggestion was to communicate a little more with the community. How could they possibly know what is going on. How many Devs working. How many hours. Maybe there are other Problems. Maybe they are working on something big. Maybe one Dev got sick or whatever - who knows?
Take for example Pop OS. They did not release a new version just like Zorin but they have a reason for it which is the Cosmic Desktop. So the community knows they are working on a new DE and that is why they skipped a Release to fully focus on the new Desktop.


So true

Everyone know Canonical Ubuntu changing ideas everytime and you never know what will be in the next released version.
In Poland we have a proverb. Where a man is in a hurry, the devil rejoices. The second is to be bathed in hot water.

When will Zorin OS 17 be released, is there any updates yet?