Zorin os asennus ei onnistu

I have now tried many times to install Zeroos 16 alongside Windows 11 and dual boot.
I have followed the installation instructions exactly, but no results. Would anyone mind helping me with my problem. The trial run looked pretty good and I would like to install it on my computer as a second operating system. I've done an installation stick on both Belena and Rufus 3.18. Both installations freeze in the middle of everything. The checksums in both are correct.
Would anyone like to help me with my problem. I haven't found a solution in the forum either
kindly Jussi

Can we firts assume you have seen this and followed the advice there: Before you install

What machine are you attempting to dual-boot ZorinOS and Win11 on? Please state make/model and specification info.

Which edition of ZorinOS 16 (e.g. Pro, Core, Lite) are you attempting to install?
Also can you amend your forum profile to indicate that, as it will avoid havng to ask you that question again and again in future.

EDIT: Please do not post duplicate questions like this, as it dilutes available help. Dual Boot fails in windows 11

To the O.P.:

This forum is a Family Friendly website, for Work and Home alike. As such, we have certain guidelines in place to ensure a safe environment for all.

Your Username is Not Work or Child Safe.
It is not conducive to us to offer you assistance unless or until you offer us Decency And Respect.
Please change your user name.


I think I reported that my operating system was Win 11 64 bit Pro, and that I followed the instructions given before installing Zor, I was going to install the 16 Core version of Zor.
Motherboard Tomahawk b 450, 32GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.60 GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX-1070 Graphics Card.
Kindly Jussi