Pop! OS topic / talk / support (all in one)

https://www.reddit.com/r/FindMeADistro/comments/mdgq39/zorin_os_or_pop_os_manjaro_or_ubuntu/ here people talking but idk why with old stuff not new?

microsoft is suing linux

With win10 its possible to run Linux via power shell using WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Haven't tried it, I use the app ext2fsd so I can directly reach my Linux files (read only).

Comes with Windows security and Linux business applications /s

Pop! OS 21.04 gets the 5.15 kernel today, awesome!

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You are also more satisfied with POP!_os now than a few months ago, right?

I am still satisfied, zero issues with Pop! OS on my machine. Pop! OS does not come with alot of pre-installed apps, runs great, feels great and it is very stable.

I'm also thinking about switching to Zorin or POP!_os. POP!_os has better support on games and what bothers me about Zorin is that they don't have, as you mentioned before, no upgrade module. So when Zorin 17 is released you will have to reinstall everything.

I am not to a gamer that why for me Zorin is great - i am more audiophil.

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Last I looked, @Michel seems to be rocking games on Zorin OS.
I'm not a gamer, either. I'm more than useless on most of those topics.

There are several distros that are geared toward gaming. POP_OS counts as "gaming-friendly" rather than refined for it.

Zorin OS you can game as well, everything Pop! OS can do can also be done in Zorin OS.

Yeah i manage to get Windows games running perfectly great on Zorin OS or Pop! OS. Most games run perfectly stable @60fps (Halo the Masterchief Collection, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, Mass Effect Legendary edition and so on).

I have GTA 3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas the definitive edition. That one is at most 55-60 fps but has sometimes framedrops to 35-45 fps and back up to 55-60. Now i have read Windows users have the exact same problem with those games duo the lack of optimization.

Halo the Masterchief Collection runs better for me in Pop! OS then it did in Windows :joy:

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / New Textures)

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / Old Textures)

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / New Textures)

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / Old Textures)

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / New Textures)

Halo: Combat Evolved (The Master Chief Collection / Remastered / Old Textures)

Pressing a button you can see old and new, it's really awesome how they remastered the game.

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That is a great we have a @Michel what gived a world answear on linux distribution you can playing. That is a great Tech Support. We all appreciate that when you share your time and knowledge on this forum and help a people with step by step a guide installation a games. That means you have a good heart and a soul.


Thanks for your nice words @Bourne, it's good to have you here around too. Sometimes it's still hard to understand you ... but it's getting better :smiley:. Your trying to help others as well and that is what a community is for.


Watching this video and i am agree with him there is some type IA on mobile,thablets,laptops and of course pc.
The IA is internet and collect many information and learning from us.
That also how people lost jobs because are changed for machines.

I don't game on PC any more but PS4. That said I will probably ressurect ancient windows to play Wing Commander 2 through to 4 and Wing Commander Gold (Prophecy). And some car racers and get the old Fanatec Monte Carlo Steering wheels out from under the dust that lies on them.

Those games look cool! But I'm not a gamer but love graphic and of course music

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But what I understand is that POP!_os has better support for amd/nvidia and better performance for games right?

That is correct, when i used zorin in august they where on nvidia 470.57.01

When i downloaded the Pop! OS 21.04 and installed it they already used the newer nvidia 470.63 driver. Pop! OS has 1 time not updated the driver (470.74) ... Took them 1,5 month to add but normally within 2 weeks it would be added in the repo.

For my self i manually install those drivers and hate to wait, i installed the latest drivers in windows and i wanted to do the same in linux.