Pop Shell is a keyboard-driven layer for GNOME Shell which allows for quick and sensible navigation and management of windows. The core feature of Pop Shell is the addition of advanced tiling window management — a feature that has been highly-sought within our community. For many — ourselves included — i3wm has become the leading competitor to the GNOME desktop.
Tiling window management in GNOME is virtually nonexistent, which makes the desktop awkward to interact with when your needs exceed that of two windows at a given time. Luckily, GNOME Shell is an extensible desktop with the foundations that make it possible to implement a tiling window manager on top of the desktop.
It works on Zorin 16.
Open Zorin Appearance and select Gnome Layout Logout/Login and then proceed with the install otherwise the install will fail.
That's my thing, too.
I run Zorin OS with zsh and with Cinnamon. Mostly XFCE, too.
Zorin OS has better performance and is put together very well. Cinnamon runs better on Zorin OS (a lot better) than it does on Mint. Having the ability to use Zorin OS as a base to then adapt your own system is what FOSS is all about.
I personally prefer ZorinOS, so I just installed Pop OS shell on ZorinOS to benefit from the windows tiling. The HowTo on the top of this page describes the process of that installation. Some videos of PopOS workflow:
Since this thread was created, there have been some minor but important changes around the versions provided that may lead to some frustration. Please read this response for instructions on how to install it: