[HowTo] Set up a Nebula theme Suite

This guide will guide you through on how to set up your desktop specific as it's shown on the screenshot.

GTK/Gnome Shell

Download and install the themes from here: https://www.pling.com/p/1727482/
If you don't know how to install GTK/Gnome Shell themes, check this thread: How to set a third-party desktop theme


Download and the icons from here: Nebula - pling.com
If you don't know how to install icons, check here: How to set a third-party icon theme


Download plank

sudo apt install plank

Download plank theme from here: https://www.pling.com/p/1727482/
Unpack it and move the folder inside it (Nebula) to ~/.local/share/plank/themes (pick see hidden files in the file browser)
Then choosing the theme in plank by;

plank --preferences

To make sure that plank start up in every boot add plank in command in the Startup Applications.


Can be found here: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/3d-rendering-realistic-scifi-spaceship-corridor-610159118
Note: It's not free, but you get a high res 4K wallpaper that looks good on anything.


Right click on the Panel and click Taskbar Settings.
-> In Style set icon size to 32px
-> In Style set Panel Opacity to 50%

-> Position set the panel to top
-> Move the Date menu to the middle of the screen
-> disable Left Box, Activities Button & Taskbar
-> enable Show Application Button


The terminal is called "Cool Retro Terminal" and can be install via the software center.
When installed open it and right click on it and choose settings. Choose futuristic theme. In the terminal tab, set scaling down to 70%.

Special effects

Cool open/close windows special effects, see: Beautify your Zorin Pro/Core 16
When installed go to the Gnome Extension Application and choose to configure Burn my Windows.
Choose TV effect and set the animation time to 800 ms.
In general options choose TV Effect.


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WOW Mr. Storm that is a quite a write-up ... some great info there .... thanks :+1: :beer:

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