The future of Windows

Windows 11 is like Windows 10 rolled in snow, burned and smoothed to look like the smooth and rouned edges that Zorin has in my opinion.

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Well not so much the future but the past of Windows. I still use Windows 7 Pro 64-bit for one thing and one thing only, Serif WebPlus X8 to keep my Website up-to-date. Spotted some errors and updated video links to other OS's etc. Put my Windows 7 drive in the HotSwap bay, disconnected internal drive with Q4OS and got a grub error!!! I was scratching my head over this one and thought it was down to the usual Windows thing that does not like hardware changes as if anyone has seen my other threads, I downgraded my GT1030 to a GT440 so I could run PCLinuxOS on this rig. After some failed fix repairs and making changes in the BIOS, i eventually got it working again! Now here is where Windows fails and GNU/Linux beats Windows. Changing the graphics card back to the GT1030 did not upset Q4OS whatsoever, everything booted as normal!

Well I have triple boot on pc. Apple good for music and crispy videos a colours.
Windows for gaming and no problem with drivers.
Linux distribution is something uniwersal and working ok if you have correct hardware what linux support.

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Yesterday I tried my first USB booted session of Zorin and as a Windows user 'from the start' I was quit impressed. Over the years quite sone Windows versions have passed. Some were really bad (W8) and some quite good (W2000 and W7).

Today I use both W10 and W11. Maybe I shouldn't say it too loud here, but I'm quite happy with it. However I also follow the upcoming developments with AI, copilot and Replay, of which I have my concerns.

At this stage I am not quite convinced I will jump over to Linux, but it's good to have a wide look and explore more options. About Microsoft, I think they will go their own specific way in doing things, like they've always done.


When you happy with it and it works for You, that is okay. So, you don't have to be afraid.


Windows tried to force me to upgrade to Windows 11 too, so I got on YouTube and found a very simple work-around in Reg-ed to prevent it. It was a while back now, so I don't remember exactly what I had to do but it involved finding the latest version of WX and telling the Registry not to upgrade past that edition. Some other fixes seem simple but they're not permanent.

Windows is something what skype exchanged for whatsapp in China.
I have windows but exchanged for testing purpouse this distribution.

Letcs just hope they don't use Vista as the base system in future:



Yea I breifly used Windows XP Profesional in both my high school and Colledge and for a breif while after that. I also helped my mom with removing viruses from a Windows 87 Machine she was using at one point. I have to say thatn occasion I have run Windows 10 Professional on my current hp workstation(the machine that I'm using to write this reply).

I used Don't Spy on me Windows or something like that on this laptop using Win 10 Pro for years and never had an update installed from Win for the past 5+ years ..... I only did updates on hardware from the manufactures .... I might add I NEVER had any problems with Windows and ran a stripped down version of it ......

I was running a dual boot system on 2 separate drives with Win 10 and Zorin for approx the last 3 years .... several months ago I somehow managed to partially format my Win drive and had to delete Win 10 completely ..... I even had a back-up of the drive but it would not install no matter what I did .....

The only reason I kept Win 10 around was in case I messed up and needed to get help on the forum and I could still access the net .....

Now I dual boot with Mint and Zorin ..... Mint Wilma on a 256 SSD drive ..... my main OS ..... and Zorin 17.2 on a 1 TB mechanical drive as a back-up and to play games on and other stuff ..... works out beautifully for me and use both drives every day .....

So I am .... for the past several months .... Windows free ..... or until I need to buy another PC .....


My Post-Windows Era will come in October 2025 at the least when the Support for Windows 10 ends. Until then it stays on my Drive. Or: Microsoft would decide to bring Recall on Windows 10. In this Case, I would do it ealier, hahaha!


I was a Windows fanboy for years (since Win 95)
I bought new hardware especially for Windows 11.

But the development and implementation of more AI, Recall and monitoring led me to Zorin.

After 6 weeks of testing with Zorin, I uninstalled my Windows 11 and only have Zorin 17 Pro on my hardware.

I don't miss Windows since then and I hope the Zorin team continues to grow and drive Zorin forward.
My way to Zorin was the liberation from Microsoft

i am not a gamer i use my pc for other things