For one, I would prefer to not start a new thread with every new product. Especially since I have about 27 of them...
This thread (stickied) is for the purpose of directing attention toward themes, icons or other customization you would like to share.
Out now: Moebius (For XFCE4 or Zorin LIte users, Cinnamon Desktop or Mate):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aravisian/gtk-theming && sudo apt update
sudo apt install moebius
Screenshots featuring Storms "Shades of Z" icons.
Previous Introduction:
Shade of Z
Icon Theme
Shade of Z is an icon set for Zorin OS (16). It aims to streamline the icons in the Zorin environment, so application icons are in match with the panel icons (menu launcher, systray etc.). Shade of Z is based on Papirus icon theme.
Download: Shade of Z -
GTK/Gnome-shell Theme
This is a fork of Zorin OS Desktop theme(s) and is modified by me. It adds opacity to the GTK theme and Gnome-shell menus.
Download: Shade of Z - Desktop -
I can see the issues arise. People trying to install a gnome theme in lite, and vice versa... Maybe an explanation of the differences to help people theme correctly is in order..?
I edited it in above.
Yes, I got lazy and took it for granted that my slobbering ravings about Gnome are well established by all in the world...
Part of it is because I am revamping or reworking my Previous work that used to be on Pling.
Some of us on here are indeed wary of using words Gnome and Aravisian in the same sentence.
But that is a different story, best kept on its own in this cupboard Xfce vs Gnome DE
But not you, apparently.
Dang You got me on that one.
Coming Soon (EDIT: ... here.)
Empire Theme for XFCE, Mate, Cinnamon Desktops; Most Gnome Whatevers should work tolerable-like, too.
Now uploaded - I admit, the Cinnamon DE really rocks this one (In my own opinion, anyway...)
This has actually long been one of my favorites and I am glad I finally got around to expanding on it, reworking it and improving it.
sudo apt install empire-theme
Coming Soon: Serenity (And a sister theme: Vallis, to follow in the coming week).
The GTK3 in this one is done entirely in .css.
There are no assets or background images. This is... Practice work in gtk Text-Based imagery.
You can click the link, then right click - Open Image in New Tab : and zoom in if you like.
With a few UI changes compared to the screenshot above... Serenity Theme is now Uploaded and available.
The Sister theme (A Light Theme) to Serenty; Vallis
may be a bit longer than a week out. Not... that I am anticipating many people are drooling in eager wait for it... but... Just lettin' ya know...
sudo apt install serenity
Additionally, a few months back I started an art project on a Prowler Icon theme (To match the Prowler theme, since an icon set for it was never made...) And I got all kinds of carried away. A definite "alien" vibe to it.
If you like knowing exactly what an icon represents at a glance, Prowler is probably not for you.
If you like skeuomorphism eye candy, then you might just enjoy Prowler. I know that I do, because that is how I roll.
I sculpted much of it in Blender. This is for fun and while it is pretty complete, it is not as full as Storms icon sets. in regular daily use, I do not see very many non-prowler icons. I will upload this tomorrow just to have it in launchpad. If you like, grab a copy. But a complete restructuring of this set is in the works so if you install this icon theme, be ready for a major upgrade in the coming weeks.
Icons mentioned above- Delayed.
I am too swamped to make screenshots at this moment... But sister theme to Serenity is now uploaded. Vallis is a light(er) theme with golden hues and a more warm atmosphere. Which... for those who have figured out the Name Inspiration - makes it all make sense.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vallis
28 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussing themes, Shameless plugs and Wombats
Released. Mind you- the alien looking things will burn your eyes if you try them...
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aravisian/iconsets
sudo apt update && sudo apt install prowler-icons
You can use them for about twenty minutes before you gotta switch back to a calmer theme and catch your breath.
Undelayed at long last... Showing Zorinmenu Lite in Vallis and in Serenity. The image below is a Mock Up showing the portions that Highlight when hovered over. They are not always highlighted.
XFCE 4.14, 4.16 - Cinnamon - Mate - GTK3
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aravisian/gtk-theming
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vallis
sudo apt update && sudo apt install serenity
Prowler2021 for XFCE4, 4.14, 4.16, Mate, Cinnamon on Zorin OS 15.3 or Zorin OS 16, lite, or Pro Lite, includes Metacity, XFWM4 and CSD headers / borders.
Right click - select open image in new tab, then click on the image in new tab to enlarge.
Original concept and design was by vStyler for Windowblinds.
As you can see in the image- I have made many changes for the 2021 Linux Distro version. Partly, this is due to the nature of Permission for Use. I had begun (and mentioned) the creation of a new 2021 version of Prowler and began work on it. The gtk3 portion uses all .css with no assets - Except for the Menu Background for Zorinmenu lite and for Whiskermenu.
During the course of this, I noticed that vStylers Prowler is a Master Skin that costs $4.95. It would be improper for me to port the gtk3 portion of Prowler, in light of this, without asking vStyler for permission. Uncertain, I began making changes to the U.I. in case I needed to preserve the work I put into the .css to build a different theme.
This is for Personal Desktop Use Only as noted in the ReadMe File. It may not be sold or profited from. With this; vStyler graciously gave his permission for me to port Prowler to gtk3 for Personal Desktop Use Only. I decided to leave the U.I. as it is, however, as it respects vStyler without copying, paying homage to his original creation and design. In this, I dub - Prowler2021.
The scrollbar steppers are animated to pop out and glow in use as are many other elements.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aravisian/gtk-theming
sudo apt update && sudo apt install prowler2021
Prowler-icon set that I created is noted above.
EDIT: Currently Delayed in Construction/EDIT
Coming soon: Machiatto
A light toned neumorphism inspired theme. Can't see it in the picture, but the scrollbars highlight in blue when hovered, the steppers show arrows and stuff like that all kinds of fancy gui pretty pretties.
Screenshots available in this gallery (Until I complete creation of my own webpage).
Plomb now released, for Cinnamon, XFCE 4.14 or 4.16, Mate...
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aravisian/gtk-theming
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install plomb
NOTE: I have not yet finished the IconSet for it- which is why some of the icons visible in the screenshot are Prowler Icons.
Uh... Coming soon... Plomb Icons...