[HOW TO] set an older kernel to default boot

You may need to use an earlier kernel than the current kernel used by Zorin. This method allows you to set the kernel that you will boot into by default.

To set the new kernel to default:

Boot into the kernel you wish to be Saved.
Open terminal and run:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Hit enter to drop down a line.
ctrl+x to exit, then the y key to say yes to save, then the enter key to save as current configuration.


sudo update-grub

to make the changes take effect.

Remember: if you boot into the later kernel for some reason (testing or whatever), that will become the new Saved Kernel at next reboot. So you must hit tab or esc at the M.B. splash screen to get to Advanced Options for Zorin and reselect the preferred kernel and boot into it. Once done, it will then remain as the Saved Default.


Bigger is not always better, when older and smaller works just as good. :wink:


For the curious: Those are Real Vehicles.
The Truck is the Suburu 360 Sambar truck... Looks like a late 1960's model.
The car it is hauling is a Peel P50 tinycar, conceived for use on the Isle of Man and this model also looks to be mid to late '60's.


When the 28 revision came out it caused locking up on my laptop. I rolled back to 27 and the locking up stopped. So I thought there should be some way to make that permanent. I did a search on this forum and found this tutorial. i especially like the change you made to Grub so that whatever is the last version you boot into automatically stays as the next boot in unless I go into Grub and tell it differently.

When version 30 came out I installed it and tried it. Since there was no more problems with locking up I just let Grub automatically boot me back into version 30 from then on. Pretty neat I think.

Thanks for this tutorial.


This screen grab shows my options i do not see your options?

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In your screenshot, it is the first option in white text.

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Ok got it shall try tomorrow thanks for your time.

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Followed those instructions and I thought I had it done. But when I restarted and selected the regular "Zorin" entry, I got the black screen again. So I'll just have to keep working at this.

To that end, will there ever come a time when I'd want or need to move to the new kernal with 17? If so, how would I know?

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I have noticed that many users forget to ensure that they are booted into the correct kernel, first.
Another sticking point is that they forget to run sudo update-grub after saving the grub file changes.
The last issue may be a typo in the grub file.

Sadly... by testing it. When you see a new kernel come down in the system upgrades, make a mental note to wrap things up and test booting into it.

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I just went back through everything, even retyped "saved" so the editor would recognize something had changed and the ctrl-x would work....made sure I updated grub....and when I restarted from the Zorin entry in grub, I got the black screen again.

Oh, well...[shrug] I'll just have to remember to always choose the older kernel.

Thanks so much for all your help! I got Zorin OS 17 Core...in spite of the wonky installer!

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An easier solution for you would probably be to just remove the later kernel so that your current is the latest.

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I think I'll keep the new one where it is (visible and present) for when I decide to do any testing. I can remember to choose Advanced Options.


Hey, that didn't take long! I noticed via Update that a new kernel 6.5.0-17 is now out...and I decided to try it. It works! So far at least. So, I guess it was only -15 that was the problem child for me.